When Should You Replace Your Drainage Pipes?

For some people, it’s easy to clean or fix clogs in the drainage system. But sometimes, it’s necessary to replace the drainage pipes or the whole system. This usually happens when fixing the clogs is just a short-term solution or won’t work at all.

When you need a permanent solution to the problems with your aging pipes, a replacement is an ideal option. An emergency plumber in Long Island is readily available and is just a phone call away.

When Should You Replace Drainage Pipes?

There are various reasons for replacing your drainage pipes. These include:

When They Get Old

It’s necessary to replace old drainage lead pipes with new plastic ones. The lead could contaminate your drinking water. It’s also advisable to replace that new pipe to reduce the risk of it leaching in water.

Fixing Drainage Problems Permanently

It’s necessary to replace the main drainage line when you find out that water is backing up in sinks or toilets, especially in the same floor level.

If You Experience Constant Clogs

Clogs may be caused by materials like toilet paper or human hair. When you get constant clogs even if you haven’t been feeding your drains with those materials, there is a problem with your drainage, which may require replacement.

Damage from Tree Roots

Some trees have an extensive root system that may encroach on to the drainage system. It’s advisable to remove such roots and replace the damaged part of the system.

Should you find yourself facing problems with drainage systems, it’s advisable to get help from experts. Repairing the pipes by yourself may be less costly, but you may end up causing further damage to the pipes and other components. Plumbers are experts in their field and will do the job right for you.