Renewable Energy Businesses Help the Environment and the Economy

Environmental awareness is rapidly taking over the world, as evidenced by the faster growth of the renewable energy sector compared to other industries. The continued search and recognition for sustainable solutions holds the potential to meet many of the nation’s social, environmental, and economic goals. This has economic developers, investors, and policymakers pondering how best to support alternative energy business opportunities.

Cultivating renewable energy in the midst of economic uncertainty

The International Economic Development Council reveals in a study that the growing interest in renewable energy has become a valuable strategy for economic development. The sector is attracting direct foreign investment, helping communities grow and prosper.

Even at the height of economic recession between 2008 and 2010, the sector had 400% more deals than the previous period. No other industry exceeded 140% growth. While green energy still represents a small section of the market, no one can deny its outstanding growth potential.

A prime business prospect

business statisticsThere are several green solutions that an entrepreneur can invest in. One can start by acquiring requisite technology from wind, solar, or biopower industries. Many states and locales also provide benefits for green business owners, such as ease of permitting process, tax incentives, and leadership training.

As more Americans become conscious of their environmental impact, they are taking bigger steps in reducing their carbon footprint by using eco-friendly products. With the help of government programs and consumer awareness, starting a green franchise is a prime prospect for entrepreneurs who also want to contribute to a greener, cleaner earth.

There has been a growing understanding of the benefits of renewable energy for about a century, but it was only in the past decade that it has picked up momentum and hasn’t stopped ever since. The public continues to support green solutions and businesses, doing what they can do to help manage the planet’s resources and ecosystems.