How to Become a Good Flatmate

Living in a flat with another person can be a cause for anxiety. Often, you might find yourself asking, “What if my flatmate does not like me?”

You will not have to answer this question if you know yourself that you are a good flatmate. It costs nothing to become a decent one. Yes, your flatmates could have their own idea of living their lifestyle, but that does not have to affect you unless they become intrusive and imposing.

If you are looking for shared flats to rent in London, here are some ways you can make living with a flatmate easy. It should start with you.

1. Respect privacy.

A lot of people have troubles with their flatmates because they have no idea of how privacy works. This is perhaps the most basic thing you should keep in mind. Never go through the belongings of your flatmate. Should you need anything from them, ask for permission first.

2. Set agreements.

Do not assume that your flatmate is a mind-reader who will always agree with you. To avoid misunderstandings, it is important that you and your flatmate have agreements.

For example, if you both decide to chip in for weekly supplies, decide what you will share. Outline in the agreement how you both are going to split the rent and the chores.

3. Take the high road.

There will surely be times when you will find yourself caught in not-so-nice engagements with your flatmate. If it is not that serious, you should take the high road; be open-minded and let it go. If things get serious, however, you might want to talk it out with your flatmate.

These are only some of the things you need to keep in mind to become a decent flatmate. When in doubt, just remember to be kind and respectful.